Gaiser Center brings a half-century of expertise on substance abuse issues to a new educational series geared toward

middle and high school students, parents and community groups.


#AddictionAware is Gaiser Center’s educational series developed and led by Medical Director Dr. C. Thomas Brophy. With years of expertise in addiction medicine, Dr. Brophy is uniquely equipped to inform middle and high school students, parents, educators, and community groups about a variety of addiction topics.

Dr. Brophy’s passion for teaching has defined his career. #AddictionAware takes his commitment to education one step further with tailored presentations that focus on your group’s interests and needs. Review the options below to customize and email addictionaware@gaisercenter.com when you are ready to book!


Choose one or more topics:

Neuroscience of Addiction

  • Age-appropriate content on how addiction impacts the brain

  • Neuroplasticity and the brain changes that occur with substance use

  • The role of the limbic system

Trends in Substance Abuse

  • How fentanyl and other synthetic drugs have changed everything

  • Vaping and the dangerous chemicals found in all vape products

  • Medical marijuana and the dangers of using these products in developing brains

How to Use the Neuroscience of Addiction to Your Advantage

  • Harnessing neuroplasticity to accomplish big goals

  • Discuss neuronal hierarchy and using it to your advantage

  • The 10,000 rule and how this relates to the neuroscience of addiction


Choose one or more topics:

Neuroscience of Addiction

  • How the neurophysiology of addiction results in dramatically abnormal behaviors

  • Neuronal hierarchy: Why stopping substance use is not a matter of simply making better choices

  • Neuroplasticity works in both directions; why understanding this is crucial in recovery

Trends in Substance Abuse

  • What are fentanyl synthetics, and why they are causing overdoses among non-opioid users

  • Vaping and the rise of vape product abuse among teens

  • Medical marijuana and the risks to a teenager’s brain

How to Use This Information to Your Advantage

  • Impact of easy access to these drugs on substance abuse

  • Recognize behaviors and warning signs associated with substance abuse

  • How to have healthy discussions with teens in your household

Interested in bringing Dr. Brophy to your school or community group?

For more information or to book a presentation, email addictionaware@gaisercenter.com, or call Ave Jack at 724.287.8205/119.